Angular 4 + Cordova Boilerplate ::: Hybrid Mobile Application
Angular 4 + Cordova Hybrid Mobile App set up : ng-four-hybid-app : Angular 4 + Cordova boilerplate This project is using Angular 4 + Cordova boilerplate configurated. You can start building your great Hybrid Cordova Mobile Apps in Angular 4. Installation Install Node.js from: Install Cordova using: npm install -g cordova Clone ngCordova repository: Go to ngCordova repository: cd project_name Install dependencies: npm install Development server Development project folder is src/ . You should start building your Angular 4 app there! Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/ . The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files. Build Angular project Run ng build to build the Angular project. The build artifacts will be stored in the www/ directory. Use t...